Will Veneers Restore A Chipped Tooth?

Por: Dra. Victoria Veytsman


Las carillas de porcelana in New York, NY are a cosmetic dentistry procedure that allows our patients at Cosmetic Dental Studios to improve their smiles. They can help fix a variety of things that make our patients self-conscious about their smile, whether it’s crooked teeth, chipped teeth, or gaps in their smile. While they are a great option for many, they don’t always work for patients with weakened or eroded tooth enamel. For these patients, Dr. Victoria Veytsman offers minimal-prep veneers. No-prep veneers require little to no preparation of the teeth, which makes them a great treatment for chipped tooth repair for these patients.

¿Qué le hacen las carillas a tus dientes?

A veneer is made to fit naturally over the front surface of the chipped tooth, which improves your smile. Dr. Veytsman uses veneers to help her patients in Midtown Manhattan to correct:

  • Crowded or overlapping teeth

  • Dientes rotos, astillados o agrietados

  • Alineación o espaciado desigual

  • Amarillamiento o decoloración

  • Crooked teeth (as an alternative to Invisalign®)

Veneers create a straighter, whiter, and a more natural-looking smile. They also can help protect the surface of damaged teeth and eliminate the need for more extensive dental procedures later on.

Tipos de carillas

Carillas de preparación mínima provide some of the same benefits that veneers do. The main difference between the two is that they don’t require any preparation of the teeth. This means that more of the natural tooth is preserved. The ideal candidate for minimal-prep veneers at Cosmetic Dental Studios is someone who has enough remaining tooth surface to bond these veneers to. When you want to improve your smile, you’ll want to decide which type of veneer will suit your oral health best.

About no-prep veneers

Because there is little to no preparation of the teeth, patients at our New York City, NY office spend less time in the chair with minimal-prep veneers. During your first visit, Dr. V creates a mold that fits each patients’ natural teeth the best. They are custom-made to match the length, shape, and color of your natural teeth. Temporaries aren’t necessary with minimal-prep veneers. Once they’re ready, you will re-visit our office to have them placed and adjusted if needed.

Once your minimal-prep veneers are bonded, there is no post-treatment tooth sensitivity experienced. For patients looking for a reversible procedure, minimal-prep veneers are the answer as they can be removed. This is because they leave your natural teeth underneath strong and intact. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental exams and teeth cleanings, they can last up to 20 years.

Learn if veneers or minimal-prep veneers are best for your smile

When you’re looking for veneers near me, Dr. Victoria Veytsman offers consultations to discuss different cosmetic dentistry treatments including veneers and minimal-prep veneers. At Cosmetic Dental Studios, we help our patients repair their smiles. During a smile makeover consultation, we listen to your concerns and explain what treatments you’re a candidate for. To learn more about veneers and minimal-prep veneers, call our Midtown Manhattan office to schedule a free consultation.

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