When is Digital Smile Design Useful?

Por: Dra. Victoria Veytsman


Dental technology has come a long way. Patients no longer need to wait until their dentist holds up a mirror to their faces after a procedure to see how they look. Instead, dentists can use a technique called Diseño de Sonrisa Digital (DSD) to let patients visualize their results and even help design the smile they want.

Celebrity cosmetic dentist Dr. Victoria Veytsman offers this service in her New York City location of Cosmetic Dental Studios so patients can have the best information when making a decision about treatment.

Below, we’ll look at why this technology is so helpful, especially for those undergoing major restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

¿Cómo funciona el Diseño de Sonrisa Digital?

When you discuss your dental goals and budget, it’s still hard to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding the end results. But imaging technology allows Dr. Veytsman to show you a simulation of your potential results. This technology can also enable patients to see the effect dental work will have not only on their teeth but also on their eyes, nose, and cheeks, especially when it involves implants and other adjustments to the jaw.

Restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures can drastically affect the face, so it’s always wise to ensure you like the long-term potential before agreeing to undergo dental procedures.

Digital Smile Design also allows patients to play a role in planning out their smiles. Dr. Veytsman can go through multiple results and even simulate what a new smile will look like when a patient laughs or talks.

When a patient chooses an image, Dr. Veytsman can explain the steps that would be involved in creating it so everyone knows what to expect.

Who can benefit from using Digital Smile Design services?

Anyone undergoing or even considering a dental procedure can benefit from this technology. Still, it is especially helpful for those considering veneers, orthodontics (such as braces or Invisalign® aligners, or implants that will significantly alter the smile and other parts of the face.

DSD is basically a way to “try on” your new smile. It can help patients develop realistic expectations by seeing what is possible and being informed about the costs and timeline before treatment starts.

When is Digital Smile Design useful?

This technology can help dentists and patients communicate, enhance treatment predictability, show patients their options to predict better patient satisfaction, and analyze a person’s specific dental characteristics for better surgical planning.

Digital Smile Design is a great educational tool for those who are unaware of how dental work can change their faces or even those who need convincing that a dental procedure can improve their lives.

Digital Smile Design services in NYC

If you’re interested in seeing the possibilities for your future smile and discussing the ways to get there through cosmetic and restorative dentistry, it’s time to programa a personalized consultation with New York City celebrity dentist Dr. Victoria Veytsman at Cosmetic Dental Studios. You may be more excited than you realized to elect to have dental treatment once you see the potential results of cosmetic dentistry.

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