What Is an Anti-Aging Dentofacial Lift?

Por: Dra. Victoria Veytsman


At Cosmetic Dental Studios, Dr. Victoria Veytsman offers an lifting dentofacial anti-envejecimiento that restores a youthful appearance. Our cosmetic dentist offers these custom dentofacial lift dentistry services, which help revitalize a smile, to her patients at her Midtown Manhattan dental office. Through facelift dentistry, minor improvements are made to the teeth and gums to enhance the facial structure while improving oral health. These treatments can include gum recontouring, bridges, crowns, or porcelain veneers. Dr. Veytsman uses a holistic approach (F.A.C.E.S.) to rejuvenate her patient’s appearance with a series of nonsurgical anti-aging dentistry services.

¿Qué es CARAS?

The teeth are an important feature of your facial profile. They help to maintain the shape of your lower jaw, which affects your entire look. As you age, the teeth wear down, which can reduce the dimensions or your face, causing it to sink inward or to look like it’s sagging. To combat aging and to restore youthfulness to your face, Dr. Veytsman uses F.A.C.E.S., a treatment approach that will improve your facial appearance with porcelain restorations. This method addresses both cosmetic and functional concerns with your smile that directly impact your face. During a consultation at her New York City, NY dental office, she can prepare a custom treatment plan that addresses your specific issues.

Cómo funciona el diseño de sonrisa digital

Dr. Veytsman uses the Digital Smile Design (DSD) program to capture images of you while you talk, laugh, and smile. These images are uploaded into her system, enabling patients to know the different steps involved in their smile makeover, set realistic expectations, and envision their final results.

What to expect with an anti-aging dentofacial lift

During your consultation, Dr. Veytsman will listen to your concerns and discuss how certain treatments will affect your appearance. These procedures can create fuller lips, cheeks, or chin to create a balanced look. She may also suggest reshaping the gums to frame the teeth for a more proportional look. A dentofacial lift in NYC can also help oral health as restoring missing teeth or gaps in a smile will make it easier to keep the teeth and gums clean, reducing your risk of developing tooth decay or gum disease.

Cuidados posteriores al tratamiento de lifting dentofacial

Depending on your particular goals for your dentofacial lift, your treatment may be carried out during many visits to our Midtown Manhattan office. Post-treatment instructions are always provided to help you to get the best possible results. It’s important that you schedule regular dental exams and routine dental cleanings after your dentofacial lift to ensure your oral health is maintained. Porcelain dental restorations, such as crowns, should be cared for in the same way as your natural teeth with regular brushing and flossing. This will help ensure that the results of your anti-aging dentofacial lift last for years.

¿Cuánto costará un lifting dentofacial antienvejecimiento?

The cost of an anti-aging dentofacial lift will vary depending on the treatments you choose at your initial consultation. Most cosmetic dentistry in NYC isn’t covered by insurance since it is considered elective and not medically necessary. However, some treatments may be restorative in nature, which would be covered. Our team will work diligently in order to prove how these procedures will improve your oral health, which should encourage your insurance to pay for a portion or all of the certain procedures. At Cosmetic Dental Studios NYC, we offer flexible payment plans to help you finance your dentofacial lift.

Schedule a consultation with digital smile design and discuss an anti-aging dentofacial lift

With the help of Dr. Victoria Veytsman, a celebrity dentist, you can achieve a more youthful-looking face. She uses Digital Smile Design (DSD) to show how various cosmetic and restorative dentistry procedures will look before she performs them. To learn more about an anti-aging dentofacial lift, call today to schedule a custom smile design consultation at her Midtown Manhattan office.

* Toda la información está sujeta a cambios. Las imágenes pueden contener modelos. Los resultados individuales no están garantizados y pueden variar.