What Are The Benefits of Digital Smile Design?

Por: Dra. Victoria Veytsman


The key to making a positive change to your smile is having an open, honest conversation with a cosmetic dentist. Without making drastic changes to your teeth and gums, there is an array of aesthetic services to help you attain the perfect smile. At Cosmetic Dental Studios in NYC, Dr. Victoria Veytsman has helped countless men and women enjoy the life-changing results of a smile makeover. She also uses the innovative technology of Diseño de Sonrisa Digital (DSD) so patients can see the results before committing to any dental treatments. Read on to learn more about this revolutionary technology that makes it possible to choose your dental procedures beforehand to match your goals precisely.

Are there specific benefits to using Digital Smile Design?

Thanks to advancements in restorative and cosmetic dentistry, New York City, NY patients have more treatment options available for smile rejuvenation. For aesthetic reasons, like replacing a broken, chipped, or missing tooth to refreshing an aging, dull smile, the possibilities are endless with an expert like Dr. Veytsman. She also provides Digital Smile Design technology to create different simulations of the intended results for your custom treatment plan so you can see the outcome before the procedure. By seeing results beforehand, patients report benefits, such as:

  • Increased confidence throughout the entire process
  • A better sense of control over the outcome of their cosmetic treatment
  • Makeover results that complement their overall appearance
  • Customized development for their smile goals
  • Higher satisfaction with their smile makeover results

How does Digital Smile Design software work?

By using Digital Smile Design technology, patients gain a greater sense of control over the outcome of their smile makeover. It is incredibly reassuring for patients investing in their cosmetic treatment and who may be undergoing more than one dental procedure. Using a camera, a team member of Cosmetic Dental Studios will capture images of a patient's movements when laughing, smiling, or talking. These images will be uploaded to allow the Digital Smile Design software to show possible results of different treatment options. It will also provide patients with what they can and cannot change, so they have realistic expectations. Dr. Veytsman will go over the simulated results and different dental treatment options to design the right action plan for your smile makeover.

Find a cosmetic dentist in NYC and plan your smile makeover

You can take the guesswork out of your smile makeover outcome by seeing the results beforehand with Digital Smile Design technology. It allows Dr. Veytsman and patients to create a customized smile makeover plan, so you both are on the same page before treatment begins. It also helps patients plan for budgeting concerns, so they have a general idea upfront of what their estimated costs will be. Once you and Dr. Veytsman have gone over your Digital Smile Design results and determined what dental treatments you will need, an appointment will be set up to begin your smile makeover journey.

To learn more about having a Digital Smile Design consultation for your smile makeover, contacte Cosmetic Dental Studios to schedule an in-person or consulta en línea with cosmetic dentist Dr. Victoria Veytsman at our Midtown Manhattan office today.

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