Tips to Prolong Your Anti-Aging Dentofacial Lift Results

Por: Dra. Victoria Veytsman


Anti-aging dentistry can rejuvenate your smile and face. Using a combination of anti-aging restorative and cosmetic dentistry, cosmetic dentist Dr. Victoria Veytsman performs a dentofacial lift to make delicate yet noticeable changes to your smile. In addition to reducing signs of aging, patients benefit from healthy gums and teeth. At Cosmetic Dental Studios in Manhattan, NY, Dr. Veytsman uses a holistic treatment strategy called F.A.C.E.S. to improve your smile. Based on your needs, she may use porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, gum recontouring, or other treatments. If you plan on undergoing this procedure, you may wonder about how to care for your teeth. Dr. Veytsman has outlined her top five tips for helping your new cosmetic results last a long time.

How do you care for your dentofacial lift results?

As a celebrity and cosmetic dentist with years of experience, Dr. Veytsman proudly offers dentofacial lifts to whiten, brighten, and improve the smile of her N.Y.C. community. To maintain your results of a lifting dentofacial, we recommend several tips.

1. Maintain a good oral care program at home

One of the essential parts of keeping your smile luminous and refreshed is an excellent oral health routine. At least twice a day or every time you eat, we recommend brushing your teeth. You should also floss your teeth before going to bed, which will help with plaque build-up, or consider investing in a WaterPik to help with the areas between your teeth. Depending on your cosmetic dental restorations, Dr. Veytsman or her hygienist will show you the best ways to floss with your veneers, crowns, or bridges.

2. Schedule exams and routine dental cleanings

To ensure the longevity of your dentofacial lift results, Dr. Veytsman recommends scheduling bi-annual limpieza dental appointments and yearly dental exams. This will allow her to clean your teeth and remove any plaque build-up. An annual exam also checks the health of your gums and ensures you do not have any cavities or gum disease.

3. Evita ciertos alimentos

We recommend avoiding certain foods, such as sticky caramel, popcorn, ice, or taffy. These could stick to your teeth or chip them, causing pain and costly damage to appliances.

4. Wear a night mouth guard

If Dr. Veytsman notices that you grind your teeth during a dental exam, she may recommend a custom nightguard to protect your restorations.

5. Avoid using an abrasive toothpaste or mouthwash with alcohol in the ingredients

Certain types of toothpaste can damage the cosmetic restoration or irritate the gums. Toothpaste with charcoal, whitening materials, and Himalayan pink salt should be avoided to prevent accidentally damaging your appliance. You should also carefully select a type of mouthwash to avoid rinsing with a product that contains alcohol in the ingredients. Otherwise, this could damage the bond between your tooth and veneer.

Rejuvenate and brighten your smile

If you have undergone a dentofacial lift, these helpful tips can help with the longevity of your results. Please programa an appointment or consulta en línea at Cosmetic Dental Studios in Manhattan, NY for a cleaning, and give us a call if you have questions about caring for your dentofacial lift or oral health. Dr. Victoria Veytsman and her team look forward to hearing from you!

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