Pros y contras de las carillas dentales

Por: Dra. Victoria Veytsman


Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic dentistry procedure that can restore teeth. They work great for patients who have chipped, stained, or cracked teeth. At Cosmetic Dental Studios in New York City, NY, Dr. Victoria Veytsman uses veneers to fill in gaps and to make minor improvements that create a beautiful smile. These veneers are made to be translucent much like natural teeth, which helps them to blend in better. Partial veneers and minimal-prep veneers are available at her New York City office to help patients like you to achieve a straighter and brighter smile overall.

¿Qué son las carillas?

Veneers are thin porcelain layers that are bonded directly to the surface of the teeth. They can be used for a variety of reasons including:

  • Repairing discoloration or stains

  • Fixing chipped, cracked, or broken teeth

  • Restoring irregularly shaped teeth

  • Llenar huecos

During an initial comprehensive dental exam, Dr. Veytsman can determine whether or not you’re a viable candidate for this cosmetic dentistry procedure. Patients with gum disease or a history of weakened enamel are not likely candidates for dental veneers.

Pros of Veneers

There are many benefits in choosing veneers to repair and improve the appearance of your smile in New York City, NY. They include:

Contras de las carillas

While veneers are a great option for some patients, it may not be the best for other patients. Some of the disadvantages of veneers include:

Carillas de preparación mínima

At Cosmetic Dental Studios, Dr. Veytsman offers minimal prep veneers at her New York City, NY office. These veneers are made of high-quality materials and are bonded directly to the front of the teeth in order to enhance the smile’s quality. She works closely with patients to design the ideal shape, shade, and size of their veneers.

These minimal-prep veneers are ultra-thin and can sometimes be placed with little to no preparation of the teeth. This means you keep more of your natural enamel, which adds strength to the restoration. An impression is taken of your mouth in which a model is custom designed for your veneers. When the veneers are done, you will arrive back at our New York City, NY office to have them bonded into place. Adjustments can be made to give you the most comfortable fit.

Do Veneers Last?

Typically, Dr. Veytsman has seen her patients’ veneers lasting anywhere from 7-15 years. This depends on how well they are taken care of in terms of oral hygiene.

Does Insurance Cover Veneers?

Typically, insurance companies don’t cover veneers. This is because it is an elective procedure and not deemed medically necessary. Our team can work with you directly to determine if your insurance coverage will cover any part of the costs associated with veneers.

Learn More About Dental Veneers Today

When you’re interested in learning if cosmetic dentistry procedures such as veneers will help improve your smile, Dr. Victoria Veytsman can help. At Cosmetic Dental Studios in New York City, NY, you can learn more about smile makeover options during your initial consultation. To learn more about what veneers can offer you and to schedule this important consultation, call our New York City, NY office today.

* Toda la información está sujeta a cambios. Las imágenes pueden contener modelos. Los resultados individuales no están garantizados y pueden variar.