How to Maintain A Celebrity Smile At Home

Por: Dra. Victoria Veytsman


After achieving a bright, white, and straight smile at our Midtown Manhattan dental office, you will want to know how to keep your teeth looking their best from home. Dr. Victoria Veytsman, a celebrity dentist from Cosmetic Dental Studios, offers her patients smile makeovers that help improve a smile’s appearance and function. She uses Digital Smile Design (DSD) to enable her patients to visualize their smiles before they commit to any procedure. After helping you to achieve your dream smile, she can also provide you proper oral health tips that will help you maintain your Hollywood smile.

¿Qué es un maquillaje de sonrisa?

It’s no surprise that your smile is one of the first things that people notice. If you are feeling self-conscious about your smile, Dr. Veytsman can help improve your self-confidence. As a cosmetic dentist in New York City, she uses technology, like Digital Smile Design, to help her patients.

The Digital Smile Design system takes images of a patient to capture how various cosmetic dentistry procedures will look on their particular face. During a smile makeover consultation at our Midtown Manhattan office, she can show you the simulated results so you can see how they will look as you smile, talk, and even laugh. After you commit to procedures, she will create a custom smile makeover treatment plan to help meet your goals to have a celebrity smile.

¿Qué puede corregir un cambio de sonrisa?

A smile makeover in New York City, NY can address many dental situations, including:

  • Grietas o astillas

  • Amarillamiento o decoloración

  • Dientes torcidos o cariados

Whatever your reason for having a smile makeover, our dental professionals can listen to your concerns and help you to restore your self-confidence.

Cómo conseguir la sonrisa de una celebridad

How to achieve healthy teeth from home

After you’ve achieved your celebrity smile with Dr. Veytsman’s help, it’s important that you care for it in order to maintain it. Avoid consuming stain-causing beverages, such as coffee, tea, and red wine, or smoking since they all can taint your Hollywood smile. Also, don’t use your teeth as a tool, as this can lead to cracks or chips. Always maintain a good oral hygiene routine of brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily. Having regular dental exams and routine dental cleanings also help keep tooth decay at bay.

Get a celebrity smile with a smile makeover in New York City, NY

When you want a celebrity smile, Dr. Victoria Veytsman offers many different cosmetic dentistry procedures. After getting a brighter and whiter smile, you must maintain it regularly in order to keep it looking its best. Cosmetic Dental Studios can help you learn more about teeth whitening, proper oral hygiene, and how to get a celebrity smile. Call our Midtown Manhattan office today to schedule a smile makeover consultation.

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