How Does the Digital Smile Design Process Work?

Por: Dra. Victoria Veytsman


A smile makeover is customized so that almost everyone in New York City, NY, can achieve their dream smile. With the help of Diseño de sonrisa digital, celebrity dentist Dr. Victoria Veytsman at Cosmetic Dental Studios can help her patients visualize results before she even gets started. With Digital Smile Design (DSD) technology, she can help you to improve your smile with different restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures. During a consultation, our smile makeover dentist will review your simulated results with you to help you decide which procedures you’re interested in during a smile rejuvenation.

¿Qué es el Diseño Digital de Sonrisa?

At Cosmetic Dental Studios in Midtown Manhattan, we capture our patients’ images and movements while they are talking, laughing, or smiling. We upload these images to a system where Dr. V. can give you professional suggestions on the best smile makeover procedures. This advanced technology gives you realistic expectations for your smile makeover. These images also help you understand all of the steps of your smile makeover treatment plan.

¿Qué puede corregir un cambio de sonrisa?

A smile makeover addresses problems you may have with your teeth and gums. Smile makeover procedures can help repair:

  • Gaps in the smile

  • Recesión de las encías

  • Dientes que faltan

  • Stains or discoloration

  • Dientes astillados, agrietados o rotos

During a consultation, Dr. V. will perform a dental exam to determine which procedures you will benefit from most. She also can determine if any existing oral health issues must be resolved before a smile makeover begins in New York City, NY.

Smile makeover procedures

A smile makeover is a makeover for your teeth that can improve your teeth’s function and their appearance.

Some smile makeover procedures offered at Cosmetic Dental Studios include:

How much will a smile makeover cost?

The cost for your smile makeover in NYC varies on the smile makeover procedures you choose for your smile. During your consultation, we can give you specifics about the costs associated with your particular treatment plan before you commit to any procedures.

Learn how Digital Smile Design helps improve your smile makeover results

When you want to learn more about effective cosmetic dentistry procedures that give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of, Dr. Victoria Veytsman at Cosmetic Dental Studios can help. She helps her patients improve their smiles at her New York City, NY dental office. A smile makeover consultation that uses Digital Smile Design allows her patients to see their smiles’ fullest potential before any procedure begins. To schedule an in-person or consulta en línea to learn more about smile makeover procedures, contact our office today.

* Toda la información está sujeta a cambios. Las imágenes pueden contener modelos. Los resultados individuales no están garantizados y pueden variar.