Create the Smile You've Always Wanted With Digital Smile Design

Por: Dra. Victoria Veytsman


Cosmetic Dental Studios is pleased to provide a wide variety of dental services so men and women can enjoy the perfect smile. Cosmetic dentist Dr. Victoria Veytsman takes extra care to understand your goals and make specific improvements that meet them. Our innovative and popular Diseño de sonrisa digital (DSD) system, in NYC or Beverly Hills, CA, makes this possibility a reality.

Are you ready for a smile makeover? Our dental clinic can create a custom smile based on your individual features and the way you smile, speak, and laugh. Our team will review different options using our advanced in-house technologies when you schedule an cita with one of our team members. Discover more about DSD by reading the following or calling for a consultation.

¿Qué es el Diseño Digital de Sonrisa?

Cosmetic dentistry is popular among people with missing or crooked teeth, gaps, or discoloration that impact the appearance of their smiles. Patients may need one or more dental procedures to treat imperfections and make their teeth brighter and straighter. Digital Smile Design is a planning tool that analyzes your current dental issues as well as your facial features and allows you to see the potential results of different procedures.

¿Cómo funciona el Diseño de Sonrisa Digital?

Patients who want to benefit from Digital Smile Design should meet with a verified provider, like Cosmetic Dental Studios. Cosmetic dentist Dr. Veytsman begins the appointment by taking images and videos of your teeth. We also capture facial movements like smiling, laughing, and talking during this session. Once the images are uploaded into the program, we can make recommendations for different dental treatments and show realistic-looking results for each one.

The great part about Digital Smile Design is that patients are heavily involved throughout the whole process. After communicating your goals with our team, you have the opportunity to approve the images of what your smile could look like after treatment. Once we create a personalized plan in NYC or Beverly Hills, CA, Cosmetic Dental Studios will schedule one or more appointments to move forward with your smile makeover.

Cosmetic procedures we offer

One of the benefits of Digital Smile Design is that no two plans are the same. Cosmetic Dental Studios can perform one or more cosmetic dentistry treatments to improve the appearance of your smile as a whole. This includes aligning crooked or crowded teeth, repairing cracks and chips, or comprehensive teeth whitening to erase stains caused by food and drinks. Dr. Veytsman may recommend any of the following:

  • Implantes dentales

  • Dentaduras postizas completas o parciales

  • Las carillas de porcelana

  • Tratamiento de ortodoncia Invisalign®

  • Teeth whitening treatment

Learn more about cosmetic dentistry

A beautiful smile is not only healthier but can also make you feel confident and beautiful. The experienced staff at Cosmetic Dental Studios is dedicated to finding dental treatments that give patients their desired looks. Whether you want to fix small imperfections or need a whole smile makeover, cosmetic dentist Dr. Victoria Veytsman is up to the challenge. Learn how we use cutting-edge technologies like Digital Smile Design to create a gorgeous smile you love. Call our offices in NYC or Beverly Hills, CA to see how the process works.

* Toda la información está sujeta a cambios. Las imágenes pueden contener modelos. Los resultados individuales no están garantizados y pueden variar.